Extruded zirconium tube

Zirconium tube is an alloy tubular material made of metal zirconium and other metals. Due to the excellent nuclear and corrosion resistance properties of zirconium, zirconium alloy tube rods are commo...
Product details :

Zirconium tube is an alloy tubular material made of metal zirconium and other metals. Due to the excellent nuclear and corrosion resistance properties of zirconium, zirconium alloy tube rods are commonly used in nuclear fuel components and reactor structures of water-cooled reactors, and are important nuclear materials. Pure zirconium rods are mainly used in the manufacturing of chemical equipment, but due to their high price, their usage is not high. The commonly used chemical composition of zirconium alloy tubes and rods includes zirconium tin alloy, among which zirconium tin alloy tubes and rods are used in large quantities. In the manufacturing process of zirconium tubes, strict requirements are placed on the size and performance of zirconium tubes due to their excellent nuclear and corrosion resistance properties, as well as their application in nuclear fuel elements.