The characteristics of chromium materials!

Chromium is a silver white glossy metal with a very high hardness, second only to diamond (10). The melting point of chromium is 1857 ℃, and the boiling point is 2672 ℃. In air, chromium hardly oxidizes because it can quickly form a dense protective film. Chromium has relatively stable chemical properties and is insoluble in water, but can be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulfuric acid. In addition, chromium can also directly combine with some non-metallic elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, etc.

The main uses of chromium include as an alloying element, such as stainless steel, chromium iron alloys, etc. These alloys have good high strength, high corrosion resistance, and high temperature stability. In addition, chromium is also commonly used in coating materials, such as chrome plating, to improve the optical properties and corrosion resistance of metals. Chromium can also be used in the production of refractory materials and other specialty materials.