3N5 zirconium

3N5 zirconium refers to zirconium material with a purity of 99.95%. Here, "3N5" is a representation of chemical purity, where "N" represents "nine" (nine), so "3N5" represents a purity of 99.95%.Zirco...
Product details :

3N5 zirconium refers to zirconium material with a purity of 99.95%. Here, "3N5" is a representation of chemical purity, where "N" represents "nine" (nine), so "3N5" represents a purity of 99.95%.

Zirconium is a chemical element with the element symbol Zr, belonging to transition metals. Zirconium has a high affinity for oxygen and other interstitial elements at high temperatures, and is therefore classified as an active metal.